You need to find out the name of the police and file a formal co

Shit happens, This is definetely discrimination.
My experience with auto accidents.
1. 1996, In Salt Lake City, a traffic light was out of order, I was travelling on a direction with flashing yellow, a white guy was travelling on a direction with flashing red, I did not stop, he hit me. When police came, he only talked with the white guy, then wrote a report, "she was travelling on flashing red and did not stop."
2. In a parking lot, a girl (white) back up to my car, she then begged me not to call police and give me an insurance card, but the card was expired, she said, the policy is still the same. So I let her go. When I called the insurance, the agent said she did not insure with them long time ago. I called her, her mom picked up the phone, she said "what you want to do, you backed up to my daughter's car, I have witness."


Not a case of discrimination -TBz- 給 TBz 發送悄悄話 TBz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2007 postreply 08:52:13
