1. 作為S-E,work home 能deduct部分house的費用.可S Corp.隻能deduct rental.如果一個sole shareholder of S Corp.在家工作,怎麽deduct辦公室的租金呢?
We pay rent to ourself and take it as expense from corp tax return. I report it as income in Sch. E and take the expense from personal tax return.
2.S Corp.的業務收入(line21,Form1120S)都要report到Schedle E. 但是如果隻是想distribut 收入的一部分,剩下的繼續放在S Corp.的retained earning 上.這樣一來,1040上豈不是要多出放在retained earning的稅來?
Report all earning for tax propose and re-invest it to S Corp.
3. S-E可以100%deduct健康保險費,一個sole shareholder of S Corp.的健康保險費怎麽處理好呢?
I am not quite sure about it. I remember there is especial rule for more than 2% shareholder 健康保險費. I need to look at it too since I want to deduct it this year.
The cost of these health and accident insurance premiums paid on behalf of the greater than 2% S corporation shareholder-employee (hereafter referred to as “shareholder”) is deductible by the S corporation and reportable as additional compensation to the shareholder.
This additional compensation is included in Box 1 (Wages) of the Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement issued to the shareholder. If these payments are made under a “plan” for the S corporation employees and their dependents, the amount would only be subject to income tax withholding, and would not be included in Boxes 3 or 5 of Form W-2 wages for Social Security or Medicare, nor would it be subject to the FUTA tax. Form K-1 (1120S) and Form 1099 should not be used as an alternative to the Form W-2 to report this additional compensation.
The payments of the health and accident insurance premiums on behalf of the shareholder may be further identified in Box 14 (Other) of the Form W-2.
you talked 2% deduction only for person. No for company.
If corp. pays you or your partners for hearth insurance, S- corp will take 100% health insurance cost as their expenses base on fair - each worker has this insurance and same as oweners.
S - Corp. generally say same as C -corp. except tax return
S - Corp. has some special rule to limit owners rights.
1) - domestic business, not international business.
2) - Annually amount , i remember under $5 million dollar ( I am not sure)
3) - Partners under 35 people.
All other regularation as same as C-Corp.
S + C only one difference : tax income to person by S. and C is not.
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