回複:非常感謝! 肯定沒問題嗎?

回答: File "Amend..."Fishkool2007-04-10 09:47:34

What kind of problem? The Amend form is provided by IRS for taxpayer to correct/amend their previous mistakes/missings. I have same experience to get back some $ by filing 1040X (same as you, forgot tuition payment).

So, do it carefully and make sure this is the best and final calculation. I really don't know if people can use another 1040X to amend a previously filed 1040X.


回複:回複:非常感謝! 肯定沒問題嗎? -三藩市- 給 三藩市 發送悄悄話 (47 bytes) () 04/10/2007 postreply 10:13:57
