Mail-in rebate: no response


最近收到onrebate.com的一封信,如下。錢不多,但很不喜歡這種做事方式。問題是聯係不上Gigafast Inc。請問如何處理?有投訴渠道嗎?謝謝!

We regret to inform you that the above rebate claim has not been funded by the sponsoring manufacturer, Gigafast Inc., and therefore cannot be paid. Gigafast Inc. contracted with Inc. to have Inc. process Gigafast Inc. sponsored rebates but, in violation of the terms of this contract, Gigafast Inc. has not funded di*****ursements for several months and has not responded to our many funding requests or other attempts to reach them. As a result rebate di*****ursements to customers who purchased Gigafast Inc. products have not been made. At this point your rebate claim is being cancelled but your rebate details will be kept on file in the event that you are able to contact Gigafast, Inc. and get them to fund your claim.

Unfortunately has no further information available at this time. If you have any questions regarding the non-funding of your rebate claim please direct them to Gigafast Inc
