回複:my experience

I think that is a very reasonable thing to do. Consider your child will be still in that school with the same teachers, what do you expect from them? You will have little chance to win over the school.There will be many "good" excuses for lots of bad things. Actually people staying here long enough all know good tricks to be "right", no matter what. Feel sorry for your child. The most important thing is to let your child feel happy, especially at this age. After the 1st grade, he will start the "real school", and he will start to have less and less free time until maybe he gets his highest degree. I bet he is still missing his friends in China. You may also try to "make" friends with the teacher, like giving them small gifts. That is what we had done. Remember, what you learned how to deal with people in China can also be applicable to here in US. It is just under a "more decent" name.
