
有關mold 的問題,您應該參考這個網頁
主要您需要了解的是您所在的地方對於租屋業者的相關要求,基本上一個關鍵字是" habitability ",如果您所住的房子的黴菌的問題已經嚴重影響到您的" habitability ",以馬裏蘭州的巴爾地摩市為例,相關的法令如下
The public local laws of Baltimore City provide that, in any lease for the rental of a dwelling intended for human habitation, the landlord shall be deemed to warrant that the dwelling is fit for human habitation. The warranty is a continuing one and allows the tenant to maintain an action for breach of the warranty at any time during the tenancy if the dwelling becomes unfit. The law directs that damages for breach of the warranty “shall be computed retroactively to the date of the landlord’s actual knowledge of the breach of warranty and shall be in an amount of rent paid or owed by the tenant during the time of the breach less the reasonable rental value of the dwelling in its deteriorated condition.”
所以如果您所在的地方有相類似的法律您可以要求您的房東負責清潔到適合居住的情況,事實上這一類的清潔如果是比較嚴重的狀況有時清潔的費用是相當昂貴的,到時候恐怕是您的房東倒過來求您搬家,不過您的房東也沒有錯,您們如果住在濕度高的地區,應該考慮添購除濕機及保持室內空氣流通,home depot 有一種罐裝的吸水劑非常好用,也許您應該考慮使用。基本上維持住房的舒適不是一方的責任房東與住客都應該負擔一半的責任。
