I think the course of action you are going to take really has to be decided by the ourcome you want to have.
IF, by Canadian law, you just cannot get a replacement and can only get the car fixed, I suggest that you not to demonstrate. How long can you do it in the Winter weather?
IF, by Canadian law, you can get a replacement, then talk to the dealer threat to sue them if they don't replace it.
Just one fact for your consideration, in the United States, 95% of the lawsuits are settled. It is very rare to have a trial. That tells me negotiation is a very important part in dispute resolution, because it is good for both sides.
If you spend the time and money to find out how to demonstrate legally, I would suggest you spend the same amount of time and money to find out if by law you van can be replaced based on the facts you have.
They day the dealer knows of your demonstration, the day they will stop negotiate wtih you (if they know by law they don't have to replace it)
I am not a Canadian lawyer, but
Thank you for the help.
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12/22/2006 postreply
See my post below, I don't think the quality
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12/22/2006 postreply