回複:回複:回複:please help: unemployment insurance benefits?

來源: 請教指點 2006-12-20 14:45:14 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (951 bytes)
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I am living California. I called the EDD yesterday, and was told that I qualified to get the unemployment insurance benefits. they said I needed to file the the unemployment insurance claim to their office, then I can get almost $450/week for 6 months and I have to keep looking for a job.

From my understanding, the unemployment insurance benefits should be one kind of insurance that the former company paid for each of their employee for the event when they are laid off. it should not be one kind of welfare from public assistant.

I got many differents opinions for whether ot not I should get it. most of persons thought that I had betther not to take it. because that might bring some more references or interview or troubles for getting a green card, in another word, they thought that getting this would affect the ability to getting a green card. I really have no idea. would like to get more advices from you.


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