Hepl needed with a car scratch


Sorry, it's easier to tell the story in English.

We lived in an apartment (in a house) and we share the parking space in the drive way of the house with the landlord and another tenant.
This morning, we found that our car was scratched. From the position of the scratch, it can only be caused by a car get in or out of the driveway. So we call the landlord and she said that she was not home last night and only came back this morning and parked on the street. She is going to give us the phone number of the other tenant.
There are 3 possiblities:
1. The tennat deny it and we could not see any mark on her car. Then that must be the end of story and we just
call our own insurance company and report it and ask them to cover it.
2. The tennant admitted that she did it and agreed to take care of it. Then it is over.
3. The tennant denied it but there is mark on her car, then it's hit and run on her part, should we call police? Will police care about this and try to match the mark on both car and hold her accountable?

Any suggestions? Thanks
