回複:不要管他歧視不歧視, 那樣太複雜. 先解決眼前問題.

回答: 急問單身老貓和stp!淺水小魚2006-11-30 14:42:15

忘了, 合同agreement是拿到卡一年後離開不交一分錢。

part of the agreement:

I understand and acknowledge that in the event that my employment with xxxx comany is terminated (either voluntarily or involuntarily) prior to 1 year from the date of my receipt of permanent residence (green card), I will reimburse xxxx company for the contribution in accordance with the follwing schedule:

Length of service from date of receipt of Green card status
less than 6 months Reimbursement 100%

greater than 6 months but less than 1 year 50%

1 year or more 0%

