yileiximian keeps this marriage for 5 years because it

took 5 years to get her Green Card(it is what she said以前因為在等綠卡,才忍氣吞生). She didn't call police because she needed him to get Green Card for her. If she called, he would go to jail, whick would affect her Green Card plan.

According to your theory, all single women without sex life should have same face skin problem as yileiximian's. It is ridiculous.

They live in CA. The salary of her hu*****and supports whole family. Did she consider her hu*****and' pressure? Her hu*****and has to work, but she still 不如他勤快(she said). How can her hu*****and have good temper under big pressure and this situation?

She can divorce, but please not complain.

If yileiximian really wants their marriage to work, I suggest her to find a job first and try to reduce her hu*****and presure to see if the situation can become better. Her hu*****and absolutly is not a bad man.

yileiximian, don't believe others said you would meet a good man after divorce. It is possible that you meet a man who is worse than your current hu*****and. Do you think other men will treat your child better than her father? If you want to devorce, at least you have preparation to be a single mother forever, it is very possible. For your child, your family, yourself, maybe you sould try last time, maybe this time makes your marriage to work well.
