我住康州,租住一個STUDIO. 房間中又一個又窄又高的台階把房間分成起居空間和臥室空間。台階是好看不實用。出了廚房和衛生間,都是地毯,自打搬進來一年,摔了至少有十次,這次嚴重了,當時我以為腿都斷了, 還好,傷了腳關節和腳筋,here is doctor's diagnosis ( from General Emergency Department):
You have a sprained ankle. When you twist your ankle, the ligaments that hold the joint together are injured. this often causes a lot of swelling and pain. Proper treatment will reduce your pain, shorten the period of disability, and help prevent reinjury.
從昨天到今天50多個小時過去了,我不能正常走路,隻能很慢挪動,普通平底鞋穿不進去,現在腳脖子上有 ankle brace, 急診室沒給拐杖,最後還一個人打車回家。
I am an IT Consultant, I get paid by hours at work.It will be a big loss to me if I can't go to work for a week or even longer.
my medical insurance can cover my accident (not 100%, I think)。
I did two things in this morning:
1. Called my boss to tell her about my situation again ( I left voice messages to her twice yesterday).Asked her to get a laptop with my account then I am able to work at home for the company. But I don't know how long it will take to deliver to me. This company is a large org and every process goes slow normally.
2. Called management office of my apartment building and made a complain about the stairs, they said they were going to check whether other studio availabl, and got me back later.
台階太窄,隻有女士的六號鞋那末寬, 而且,邊沿是圓的,內是木頭,外包地毯。‘下樓時‘, 經常是腳跟著陸台階邊緣,然後會一滑下去,站不穩就摔倒或趔趄。
昨天摔慘了!!!叫了救護車!!! 以前就在房間裏從台階摔了多次
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11/21/2006 postreply
我不懂,不過聽上去... 可以的嗎?
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11/21/2006 postreply
I live in an apartment(studio) of a large building
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11/21/2006 postreply
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11/21/2006 postreply
Not a chance
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11/21/2006 postreply
Thank you very much, apt
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11/21/2006 postreply