The only thing is my kids. Every time I think of my kids, I feel so sad. Other kids have a happy family and time with parents, but they don't. 他們現在在國內, 在長托, 一周回家一次, 我想起來就難受, 他那個爸, 還說他們過的很好, 他父母說好就是好.
我就想, 我現在帶孩子, 我和孩子都過不好. 等我有能力了, 我帶孩子來玩, 不走了, 法律會不會追究. 如果那時, 加周的法律可以讓孩子再選的話, 就好了.
I sure am happy leave this disgusting family.
I think you'd better focusing on your study at first.
(172 bytes)
11/19/2006 postreply
Are they born in the States? If yes,
(223 bytes)
11/20/2006 postreply