發信人: tlf (tlf), 信區: Overseas
標 題: Re: 想起一個case,soaked同學你想想有沒有過
發信站: BBS (Fri Nov 17 19:18:04 2006)
I know everyone of those names you mentioned in your original post. Each and
everyone of them are decent, kind and loving person.
I don't know anything about this particular incident, other than what you
had posted. so I wouldn't judge you or anybody else here.
The world has no shortage of people who don't wish others kindly. However,
this is not a world where everyone wishes you ill - you are simply not that
important for everyone to conspire against.
the first step in addressing an issue is to acknoledge that issue. Ask
yourself why anyone is trying so hard to get you. Ask your friends that
question. Listen carefully for their responses.
Having said that, based on what you reacted to other people as you described
in your post, you will have a hard time find friendship.
That in itself should have been a sign of huge trouble for you.