看到您的問題實在很想大罵一聲 tmd. 你老的帖子給了一切詳細的資料,唯獨漏了最重要的一點,您老兄的老房子到底在那一州 ?
如果老貓記得不錯美國50個,隻有三個州 (加州,紐澤西州 以及 最後老貓也記不起來的一州)有特別的法令對於購入新屋中的mold問題有特別的規定,(老貓找到的資料有790頁之長,老貓可沒有時間詳細幫您老兄讀),所以僅能簡列的說明如下
(b)並不是說沒有特別規定的州您就拿賣主沒有辦法,但是要看您所在州有關的法令,在Gabberty v. Pisarz
10 Misc.3d 1010, 810 N.Y.S.2d 799 N.Y.Sup.,2005.
的案件中就有這樣一個問題,在紐約的Real Property Law Article 14並沒有規定對方有責任需要告知您這個房子是否有mold,所以除非買賣雙方在買賣合約中有特別的規定,對方無需負擔告知的責任,所以您必須查看您所在州的法律對這方麵的說明。
不過加州是有法令規定 (California Mold Law)對於建築物中是否有toxic mold於屋主的責任都有一定的規定,您可以依法緣引這個法令對您的損失提出法律告訴,在加州有一個很有趣的案例
Litigation in California.
Mold-related litigations has skyrocketed upwards of 300% since 1999. One example: April 2004 - A plaintiff in a mold lawsuit initially awarded multi-millions of dollars in punitive damages against Allstate has died at age 99. He was a few days short of his 100th birthday on April 12. In 1999 the plaintiff refused Allstate’s offer of $17,300 to repair his home and filed a lawsuit for the company’s bad-faith dealings in handling his homeowner’s insurance claim. A three-week trial in 2000 resulted in a jury awarding him $18 million in punitive damages — the presiding judge lowered the amount to $2.5 million. An appeals court then stripped the near centenarian of the $2.5 million in punitive damages and awarded him $628,646, an amount that paid his nearly $239,000 in legal fees and $290,000 to put toward home repairs.
最後在2003 年的 American Law Reports (114 A.L.R.5th 397)
Toxic Mold in Residences and Other Building: Liability and Other Issues
Erin Masson Wirth
謝謝老貓。 房子在德州
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11/09/2006 postreply
I am in Texas
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11/09/2006 postreply