Q: Hi! My hu*****and and I have been separated for 3 years. I have been looking to file for a divorce but have not been able to find him. I've even tried tracking him down through the Social Security administration. I have not heard anything thus far. My question is: Can I still get a divorce if he is not found? I am a college student and don't have money to spend on big attorney fees or private detectives to find him. What is the best thing to do? Thanks for your time!
A: You don't need to find him.
All you need to do after you file your petition is to make a diligent effort to locate him; e.g., information operator, county tax records, Department of Motor Vehicles, etc. You don't have to leave your home to do this, and you certainly don't have to employ "heroic efforts" like hiring a detective.
If you can't locate him through normal and obvious channels, then you write a declaration to the court, and asking permission to publish the Summons and Petition in a newspaper closest to where you last knew him to reside. That's going to cost you.
When he fails to respond to the publication, then you can take his default and the court will sign the final orders granting your divorce.
You can get the specifics you need by buying a book on the subject at Barnes & Noble bookstore.
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11/07/2006 postreply