especially please pay attention at
39-14-207 Feeding of impounded animals -- Care provided by humane society -- Recovery of expenses.
39-14-210 Societies for prevention of cruelty to animals -- Powers.
(e) Any humane society chartered by the state, into whose custody shall lawfully come any animal, shall have a lien on that animal for the reasonable value of the goods and services necessarily rendered by, or at the instance of, the society to that animal.
(f) Custody of any animal victimized under this part shall be placed with any humane society chartered by the state immediately upon arrest of the person alleged to have violated this part. The humane society shall assist the animal and preserve evidence for prosecution.
The HSUS is headquartered in Washington, DC and has 10 regional offices. The HSUS Central States Regional Office serves Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, Illinois and Wisconsin.
Jenny Brown 630-357-7015
Karen L. Allanach 301-548-7778