小孩2歲多點,在幼兒園被咬另一個可能比他小的白人小孩咬。據老師說當時兩小孩靠地很近。小孩的上嘴皮外有咬痕但沒破皮,裏麵有一個小洞,皮破了,留了一些血。老師打電話給家長,並說用肥皂和水清洗了。家長問能否一下對方家長more information about health concern. 老師說要請示director.後回電說不行。帶小孩去看醫生,醫生開了抗生素以防感染,跟醫生提起對傳染病的擔心和幼兒園的態度,醫生說:I didn't seem any problems if day care center can ask the other kid's parent if they volunteerly provide any information about health concerns and health risks.
第二天,找到director,問他能否問一下對方家長是否願意回答。director臉一沉,說:我昨天已經谘詢過人事處(此幼兒園屬與一個大單位)了, it's against the law that we reveal the name who did the biting. also we can not ask the parents any questions. actually the kid who bit is more dangrous because he may get blood from the kid who got bitten.
於是打電話給county的early education program agency. 被告之:it's the regulation of the state we live that day care center does not reveal the name who did the biting. 至於questions about health concerns of the kid who did biting, it's out of the regulation of early education program. they need to find out and call me back. 到今天還沒得到回複。
白人鄰居們說他們從沒有聽說過這樣的policy.有一些建議去fight back.
難道就這樣被咬了?連問一問有沒有傳染病的可能性都沒有?最害怕HIV. 連醫生說 who knows who has it or not.
有人有相試的經驗嗎? 最為父母還能作什麽?我們中國了長於忍,但如果有人能從法律的角度談談這個問題,作為中國兒童的家長就大大受惠了,也有助於我們更好地在這個法律國家生存。
• CAO, 就是小孩咬了一口,就提升到國家問題了,看來也是個厲害的主 -5501- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 12:37:21
• 大姐,你們全家最好不要出門,不要上飯店吃飯,不要和別人隨便講話 -5501- ♀ (45 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 12:39:48
• 這位是吃了火藥,這麽衝!咬的不是你兒子,你當然不急。 -boby123- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 18:06:15
• I certainly appreciate you anxiety. -昭君出塞因地製宜- ♂ (938 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 14:09:46
• 我孩子們常被咬,多時一星期一次,別太緊張。 -二寶娘- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 14:45:21
• 回LZ的,跟錯了地方,抱歉。 -二寶娘- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 15:56:11
• 回複:孩子在幼兒園被咬。該怎麽辦? -單身老貓- ♂ (267 bytes) () 09/22/2006 postreply 15:51:40