These kind of things happened in elementary school are not rare. I often saw kids played in monkey bar without monitored by adult when my son was in elementary school. My son himself had two experience. One happened in class room when he was 6 year old(Pushed by another boy and hit on the corner of a table).It was very minor injury.X-ray showed a line fracture but not dislocation. Another time occured when he played soccer in summer campus
in YMCA.His arm was framed for 6 weeks. YMCA returned fee and made several calls to us. We did consult lawer in second time and got no point. Since our medical insurance covered all bills and we didn't strongly pursue it. One thing I am sure that School or ISD know how to deal with it. So you may discuss with school authority about your medical bill before you take other legal action(if it is necessary)
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09/10/2006 postreply
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09/10/2006 postreply
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