回複:The realtor works for RE/MAX.

回答: 回複:出租空房-realtorapt2006-08-31 16:44:57

I don't understand. On what ground do you want to sue the agent? License statutes are different in a sense that some of them are for revenue-generating purposes, for example, driver's license. Others are for special knowledge requirements, such as physician license. I am not sure what purpose is for a real estate agent but inclined towards the former.

If the license requirement is only for revenue, then it is irrelevant in a negligence case. For example, if a person involves in a car accident, the fact he does not have a driver's license does not mean he is negligence per se.

In your case, I assumed you wanted to sue under misrepresentation or fraud. Those are intentional torts so that with or without the license is a non-issue.

I would read the contract carefully and find out whether there is a ground to sue for breach of contract. Misrepresentation and/or fraud is difficult because you have the burden to prove intent, that the guy intended to defraud you.


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