回複:有關房東何時可以進入您的房子 (加州)

本文內容已被 [ muxing ] 在 2006-09-07 11:40:49 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Thank you very much for sharing the information. it is very helpful. but i have another question. I am renting an apartment in California. The area is very good but the apartment raises the rent by 50 ~ 70 every time after the current lease expires. My rent is high enough now and my lease is going to expire at the beginning of October. I have been contacting the apartment management for the new rent serveral times,but they always told us they can not tell us what our new rent is and they will drop a letter stating new rent amount two months before the lease expires. but now it is middle of august, I still have not received a letter from them. I worry about this because if they raise my rent a lot, We will definitely move.

is there any law saying that the landlord has to give us the new rent two month in advance... or similar thing like this? thanks so much!
