回複:回複:Several Questions

來源: sjy 2006-08-08 19:54:34 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (891 bytes)
回答: Several Questionssjy2006-08-07 20:40:43
First, please check your original lease, find if there is an autometic renew clause. If there is a such clause in the lease, you have a valid right to stay for another year. If there is no such clause, under common law in most states, the landlord have right to to give you one month, since you last payment, to leave.
The reasons he listed in the letter is not very compelling. I believe if all those happened a while ago, most courts would not issue a inconviction order based on those reasons. However, going to court is always a massy business. So my suggestion is starting to find a new place now and negotiating with your landlord for some extra time.
Last thing is keep a record of anything you received from your landlord and you send to him (register mail and return reciept requested is prefered). And if there is any oral communication, get a tape recorder.

Best Luck


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