回複:終於發出來了, SIGH!!!!!

本帖於 2006-07-20 09:39:15 時間, 由版主 單身老貓 編輯

錢都回到買方帳上了, 賣方不想PICK UP那是他自己的事, 賣方不會傻到把CAMERA再寄回來白送人吧:)
不過它可能有自己的RETURN POLICY, 需要有一定程序警查物品

I hope so! Otherwise I am worried that the company may say it doesn’t receive the package and refuses to return the money.
The money came back to my account doesn’t mean the final. If the result shows that the company is right by chance, the money can still be taken away.

(1) 買這種專業相機和鏡頭的買主, 一般對它們都很精通, 也有很好的網上買的經驗, 知道哪個網站安全可靠. 絕對不會輕易上當受騙.
I totally agree with you. As you know, everyone has his first time. Even expert may be cheated by more experienced merchant.

(2) 像CAMERA AND LENS 這種體積小的商品, 網上的HANDING FEE 是 0, 大部分SHIPPING FREE 或者低於$40, 我查到的隻有唯一的一家SHIPPING FEE 是$79( 那也是價值遠超過$6000)
Thank you for telling me about the shipping fee. I thought if I ask the company ship to me in hurry (e.g. 1 or 2 days), it would be reasonable to charge more.

Thank you, Sunblue. I am still waiting the final result.
From Wenxuecity, I learn a lot. I hope this discussion can also contribute a bit to our website.
