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來源: 小欣 2006-06-08 22:01:01 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1468 bytes)
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Artificial insemination is the most widely used and technologically the simplest form of noncoital reproduction. It also has produced the most legislation. Yet even AI has raised important and unresolved questions about parenthood and inheritance. Artificial insemination used by a married couple and accomplished using sperm from the hu*****and of the couple is known as AIH. The hu*****and and wife are the legal parents of the resulting child and the child’s status is the same as that of a child conceived by coitus. However, if artificial insemination is accomplished by a married couple using donated sperm (AID) (a misnomer because "donors" are usually paid), the issue arises as to who is the child’s father. The traditional presumption in the law is that a child born to a married woman is the legitimate child of the marriage. The presumption may be rebutted, however, for example, by the hu*****and’s sterility, which is often the reason that AID is used. To determine paternity, many states have adopted Section 5 of the Uniform Parentage Act, or legislation based on that section. Section 5 is limited to artificial insemination used by a married couple. The UPA treats the child conceived by a married woman by AID as the child of the hu*****and, not of the sperm donor. The hu*****and is "treated [in law] as if he were the natural father" of the child.



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