去醫生那裏看病, 不是先要做一些PAPERWORK

其中有張表, 要病人簽字, 上邊寫有象下邊這樣的話:

While you may have insurance coverage to pay your medical bills, you are ultimately responsible for all charges.

醫生一般不會替保險打包票的. 因為保險計劃很多, 醫生不可能對每個保險計劃都很清楚. 隻知道一般的情況. 醫生所在的診所或者MEDICAL GROUP的說明上, 還可能有象下邊這樣一段話:

As a patient, it is in your best interest to know and understand your insurance plan benefits and your responsibility for any deductibles, co-insurance, or co-payment amounts prior to any visit. Not all services are covered in all insurance contracts. If your insurance plan does not cover a service or procedure, you are responsible for payment of these charges.

建議你去問一下醫生, 這個BILL是怎麽回事.
