回複:如果你打過官司, 可能不好找工作

來源: tetra 2006-06-04 21:34:55 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (477 bytes)
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回答: 習慣成就性格, 性格決定命運Mustang20072006-06-04 10:26:02
I agree! Some companies will ask if you have been sued or sue anybody before, and the reason.

If you have clearly violated the company policy, they will fire you and tell you the reason. If the reason is hard to explain (such as performance), they won't tell you.

In your case, did you have any problem with your manager before? The personel must have a lot of paperwork and records to support their decision of firing you. Did the HR contact you before?


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