
You 房東 is stupid. Did you return the key yet?

Let me tell you how to dealing with this. Don't return the key, and keep one or two not important things in the room.

By law, if you don't move out, he can't force you out. Just go back once a week and not paying the rent.

In order to let you out, he has to go to court to get the permit.

The first two times(every two month), you go and postpone. Before the third time, call the landlord to settle with your 400. Most time, it takes 6 months to gey the permit from the court - that would be the landlord nightmire if he is saling the house.

If I were him, I would pay you one month rent or more to let you leave. Since he has legal issue, not one would even buy his house.

Good luck!


回複:I am in NY -mikejc- 給 mikejc 發送悄悄話 (250 bytes) () 04/26/2006 postreply 09:38:15

多謝,但是鑰匙已經還了。 -賓州房客- 給 賓州房客 發送悄悄話 (71 bytes) () 04/26/2006 postreply 19:24:14
