回複: 身在異鄉,也不能任人欺負 -請大家給我建議!

本文內容已被 [ Voyager ] 在 2006-04-25 17:47:51 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

I had similiar experience before. I signed a contract because they told me that i can change my opinion later. But after that, I want to concel the contract, but they won't and still charge me money. The only difference is that they came to my house. I was very angry, and I went to the student legal office at my school. They told me that according to the law, there is one month open for the contract for the "door-to-door" sales. Therefore, i can cancel the contract and they should not charge me money. Therefore, I called them and read them the number and the content of the law. They cancel my contract right away. Therefore, I recommend you to consult legal office since different place has different rule. There are some free services in the school or community center. Just ask them.
