回複:Problem is solved without paying any extra money

Since I am a little girl who have been in US just for a short time, I think I could get some wiser ideas from you big guys. However, ... ...
I solved the problem myself without paying any extra money, which means I don't have to pay full out-of state tuition even I should to. Actually, there are a lot things I can do. I am just not sure if I've done by the most efficient way.
Thank you all, anyhow.


很厲害, 你能分享用什麽高招嗎? -stp- 給 stp 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/31/2006 postreply 08:12:45

What about next semester? -naivelamb- 給 naivelamb 發送悄悄話 (58 bytes) () 03/31/2006 postreply 09:10:31
