Not really

回答: Need help:請教如何在美打醫療官司whatever782006-02-14 21:36:15

First of all, you cannot base your decision on the relationship. Remember, if he is negligent and you let him off the hook this time, there are many others like you will go through the same injury again. A lawsuit is both your compensation and his deterence.

Secondly, if proved negligence, your compensation will be substantial. I know in China people could not get adequate compensation but it is not the same here. Based on what you said, if you could find a good lawyer to fight for you, and a good expert to testtify for you, you could win the case. Compensation-wise, you can recover damage from your physical injury, e.g. the cost of the repair surgery, the hospitalization, etc. There will be not much until you put pain and suffering in there. The doctor needs to compensate your pain and suffering and that could be over a million. You may also have a claim of emotional distress and the comensation may also in the millions. Your parents, on the other hand, no matter how distressed they were, crying everyday as you said, can NOT recover because they were not in the zone of danger, based on majority rule.

I think you have a good lawsuit. All you need to do is to hire a good lawyer and prepare for the fight.

Good luck.
