I can understand you

本文內容已被 [ littlerainshalala ] 在 2006-02-09 19:21:51 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

I think all the opions above are helpful, but some of them really didn't go though these kind of things before, so they couldn't totally understand your situation right now. No one wants to leave a sweet and comfortable family. There must be some reasons you can not hold any more.

Actually I am in same shoes, the only difference is the person I couldn't get along with is my mother in law. I believe what you said, once they involved in your family, you couple's life will be ruined.I scared to hear they will come, because my hu*****and is totally surrendered to his mother,nothing could happen unless she permits.Even she is in China, she still can totally control her son do what she wants to do while something that really make my feel bad. I can see more and more they involved, less and less my hu*****and and I agreed with each other.

I am still hesitating because of my son. The worst thing for me is my son is with his parents. Every time when I think about my son, I just totally lost my direction. If I keep living like this, I will die;but if not, can I promise to give my son a peaseful life? Will your in law can let you simply released since your son is not only yours? Will they find thousands reasons to ruin your life?

As I said I totally can understand your feeling, I am considering the same thing now, just not decided.
