Tell the judge the truth! He was abusive and you were

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a domestic victim. You had to use the broom because of self defense. My hu*****and is abusive too. He used to hit me. I had to call police several times. Then I told them it was just an argument because I didn't want him to be taken to the jail. But he never care about me when he is mad. As a woman we really have to be strong and don't be too nice. My thumb is still in pain because he did it. When I went to the extended care the doctor called police. They said they were going to persecute him even I was not going to cooperate. I had to beg them. Then after the x-ray the doctor said it's not broken but jammed. The officer believed me because I told him I had divorce paper at the legal aid office(it's true, it has been there for a year and I haven't got it back yet) and my finger was not broken. He still said he would go and talk to my hu*****and. I don't know whether he did or not. I didn't ask my LG.

So anyway, women can easily become victims. Take care. Try to find some evidence that he abused you before. Good luck.


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