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回答: 回複:回複:律師不接的案子661962005-11-28 17:01:26

Then you really have to pay the fine. There may be another way.

If the $200 was from a court judgment, then it is liquidated and you really have no claim to it except pay for it.

If, for some reason, the $200 is from Kohls, then you can still call them to settle to get it reduced. Even a portion could help. Let them beleive you made a mistake.

It is not clear to me at this point. If it is a court order, then you have to pay the court, not Kohls. If it is coming from the store, then you get to keep the goods after you pay for them. Kohls can not fine you for wrongdoing. If they do that, it would be a violation of the 14th Amandment.


法官隻是判我六個月不犯罪,案子會dismiss,再無其他, -8231416- 給 8231416 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/28/2005 postreply 17:47:04

回複:法官隻是判我六個月不犯罪,案子會dismiss,再無其他, -68156- 給 68156 發送悄悄話 (84 bytes) () 11/28/2005 postreply 19:07:27
