
本文內容已被 [ 單身老貓 ] 在 2005-12-13 13:27:11 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.



ANYWAY,言歸正傳,夫妻共有財產在家庭法中屬於 community property,所以一般的狀況,夫妻中任何一方可以單獨使用這項財產,加州family code 1100中有規定A spouse may not make a gift of community personal property,or dispose of community personal property for less than fair and
reasonable value, without the written consent of the other spouse.跟據這條法令,您的先生可以在適當與合理的情況下對其家人贈與金錢作為禮物,所以關鍵就在於什麼是適當的(fair and reasonable)數額,同時由於這筆為數五萬元的財務是
他婚前的積蓄,所以基本上是屬於 Separate Property,
California Family Code Section 770 A
770. (a) Separate property of a married person includes all of thefollowing:
(1) All property owned by the person before marriage.
(2) All property acquired by the person after
marriage by gift,bequest, devise, or descent.
(3) The rents, issues, and profits of the property
described inthis section.

同時跟據 770 (B)A married person may, without the consent of the person'sspouse, convey the person's separate property.

所以他在法律上是有權不需要經過您的同意處理這筆錢,相對的是由於當您要求動用"夫妻共有財產"帳戶中的錢去資助您的朋友或是家人時,因為您不是使用770中任何相關的部份的財產,(也就是說你所想動用的是community property(共同財產) not separate property,(個人的私房錢) 所以您的先生在法律上還真的可以要求你不要進行,(if he does not believe the amount you are going to lend to your friend is a fair and resonable value)
所以老貓的結論是就法律的觀念,他的言論並沒有錯 !

當然有網友會就老貓這番分析大罵老貓"白癡","迂腐","書生誤事" 等等,,(especially 那個 叫"的經驗..."法壇流氓)
sorry, whether you are happy or not, IT IS NOT MY BUSINESS....I DON'T CARE.
