
Generally speaking, your premium will not be increased, especially if you continue being a good driver. However, if you would have accident(s) of your faults in near future, this accident of not-your-fault will be counted.

Here is my experience: within a year I had 3 accidents:
Accident 1: some one hit my car from back (so I was clean). Other party paid the damage of my car, but I did inform my insurance co.
Accident 2: I filed a claim for hail damage and got $2,100.
Accident 3: my car hit the seperator on hwy. I filed a claim and got about $6,000.

Not long after the 3rd accident, I received a non-renewal letter from my insuranace co. The letter states that because I had these accidents (3) in a short period, the policy will not be renewed.

The worse continues coming. during I shopped for a new insurance. all premiums they offered were quite high. I told them that only one accient was avoidable and the other two accidents were out of my control. One friendly agent replied to me: "We do not add additional points on the other two accidents, but you are classified as a potentially risk driver and thus placed in a group of higher premium."

Afterwards I spoke to a State Farm agent through a friend, asking how to handle an accent that is not my fault. He said:
1.) first call police and have them file an accident report. this is important, any verbal promise from other party is of no value.
2.) Bypass your insurance co, youselve directly contact and negotiate with the other party's insurance co to get damage fixed. So you own insuance co. do not have any information about the accident.

PS., If you are willing to pay $9, you can go to ChoicePoint website to get your claim history from a database that most insurance companies will check when they process a new client. The report from ChoicePoint give you a picture about how good you are as a driver from insurance companies' viewpoint.


Thanks so much! very helpful!! -椒椒- 給 椒椒 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/27/2005 postreply 20:26:21
