real case share

來源: cherrygr 2005-09-09 12:38:57 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1193 bytes)
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My American hu*****and divorced before. His kid was sentenced to his exwife. I can tell you, you have to get a lawyer and don't listen to him. He is afraid of you finding a lawyer and find out the turth. My hu*****and is American, his wife cheated on him and was caught on the spot. And she didn't have a job either. But since her kid is under 12, the kid was sentenced to her and the hu*****and has to pay her 600 dollars a month and he has to give the house to her also. And he asked the judge "I'm not the one who do wrong and where I'm supposed to live?" But the judge told him they only care about the baby and the bady has to be with the mom, he can live on the street and nobody cares. So the kid is a weapon at your side. Being a foreigner doesn't make you weaker at all. You don't have job but you can make your hu*****and pay for the kid's living and if it's still not enough, you can aply for government surpport. I know a woman with 3 kids and she doesn't have a hu*****and, the government gives her 460 per month and she lives in a nice free house provided by the government. What's more, you can find a job before finishing school and take the kid back to China afterwards.


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