
來源: 嚴重同情,but 2005-08-29 20:32:48 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (849 bytes)
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He seems to be a very bad man,
but he still is your father:
he gave your life, feed you grown up.

According your description,
he indeed did lots of awful things,
but did he do lots of bad things to you in purpose?
I guess it is not,
because he is your dad.

Please be calm,
could you remember some nice things he did to you during your life , which you are very thankful to your dad ?
I guess it is yes.
because he is your dad.

In the other hand,
dos he also suffer pains for some reason that made him so crazy?
are you mamma willing you to resolve this issue by such extreme way?

He may should be punished due to his awful by society or god or …
but he still is your father ,
nothing can change this relationship.
I suggest you do nothing to him.



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