Don't do that (see inside)

來源: whatsit 2004-01-27 15:01:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (657 bytes)
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Don't take your daughter away without an agreement. If she goes to the court saying you abduct your daughter, you will lose everything including your daughter.
The best way is to divoice her as soon as possible. Guess she has no ability to work now. So go to the court, ask for divorce. Pay her money, - unless you value money more than your daughter - and keep your girl with you. Since you are having stable income, court will sure give her to you not her mom. Better put on some proof that she ever hit your daughter soemthing like that or her emotion is not stable etc. After that, she will not survive here in US. Then you got everything you like.



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