Tell you one funny story

I slapped my ex boyfriend in front of cops. Police put me in jail, and One friend paid $10k to bail me out.

After half year, I married the friend, and after four months, I went to greencard interview, the officer asked me that if I had been arrested or not, I said yes. The officer checked her computer, then told my hu*****nad "oh, my god, she is a dangerous woman, you still have two years probation."

The officer asked me" Did this happened after you got married and then you slapped you ex boyfriend?" I said:" before we got married, and my hu*****and helped me out."

The officer laugh" aha, that is why your hu*****and build relationship with you."

She granted me greencard.


This is record not funny at al -ordeal- 給 ordeal 發送悄悄話 (198 bytes) () 07/26/2005 postreply 20:37:53

Slap your ex bf cop? -whatabitch- 給 whatabitch 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/27/2005 postreply 14:13:10

不以為恥,反以為榮的潑婦 -犯罪很光榮,啊?- 給 犯罪很光榮,啊? 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/31/2005 postreply 13:36:55
