THANKS-technical question help

來源: III 2005-07-23 21:52:20 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (759 bytes)
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I actually pretty regret that I did not take even
better caution. Before I went to gym I thought that I
will talk with the previous guy who checked my ID. But he was not there that day so I just checked in without
saying anything and thought I could clarify it with
him next time I meet him.

I am told my state is up to 15 month and 3000$ fine.
Is there a hope to drop the case if the police officer
said the Miranda rule after 15 minutes of arrest, and
said it not in the arrest place ?

Also the school actually has a very important
role in the case, how could I know their legal
decision ? I mean is it possible the school drop
the case, instead of the judge.

Really appreciated !!!



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