Equitable Distribution 就是為他們

來源: 不要慪氣拉 2005-07-23 08:14:38 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (859 bytes)
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回答: 懷疑你沒說實話懷疑懷疑...2005-07-22 00:17:11

請容許我糾正你一個概念上的錯誤。Equitable distribution 並不是簡單意義的AA製。It comes from equity -- ask your lawyer what equity is -- it is to prevent unfair enrichment and detrimental reliance. In ancient time, women did not go out for work after marriage; they even gave up all their properties to the hu*****and -- in exchange of the hu*****and's promise to take care of her in the future. the old English law ruled that whenever a couple fought for divorce, property distributed as who held the title at the time of divorce. THIS IS UNFAIR ENRICHMENT. thus, the modern law treats marraige as a economic partnership and recognizes all direct and indirect contributions to the marriage, including all houseworking and childraising.


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