My hu*****and has a daughter with his first marriage, and when he got divoiced, the daughter were verdict to his ex-wife. He showed me the court document that's why I agreed to marry him

A few months ago, my hu*****and brought his daughter to US, and let her live with us. Because I have to work, I evne sent my own 2 and half year old son to China.

Does anyone know under such situation, do I have any legal responsibilities to the 12 year old girl?

Thanks for any suggestions! PLEASE!!


Yes, you do. -minisis- 給 minisis 發送悄悄話 minisis 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2005 postreply 10:49:53

回複:Yes, you do. -amei68- 給 amei68 發送悄悄話 (146 bytes) () 06/14/2005 postreply 12:46:31

回複:回複:Yes, you do. -minisis- 給 minisis 發送悄悄話 minisis 的博客首頁 (183 bytes) () 06/14/2005 postreply 14:04:56

回複:回複:回複:Yes, you do. -samehere- 給 samehere 發送悄悄話 (126 bytes) () 06/15/2005 postreply 09:06:42

回複:回複:Yes, you do. -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 (986 bytes) () 06/14/2005 postreply 14:12:17

回複:回複:回複:Yes, you do. -amei68- 給 amei68 發送悄悄話 (56 bytes) () 06/15/2005 postreply 09:12:51
