回複:回複:hit someone in parking lot

回答: hit someone in parking lotnihao292005-06-04 17:56:29

first, thank you.

i didn't want to argue with her.. she came to argue with me. i apologized even though i didn't think i was totaly at fault. even that said, i kinda regret i talked back at her asking her if she looked when she walked behind my car... maybe i should have just shut up.

i don't think shes hurt since when i backed up, my car was moving really slow.. but i just worry that she wanted to give me trouble by suing me and black mailing me ...

problem is i don't live in the city where this incident took place.. its about 1.5 hrs away from where i live. i think i might call the city police to inquire if they received any complaints... this really suck
