單身老貓曾經給過關於兄弟會兩年合同的建議,再次感謝! 這是原帖: https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/law/278735.html
經過兄弟孩子們與兄弟會總部的協商, 其實主要是兄弟會總部找到了新租戶, 因為孩子收到的郵件是這樣寫的“we were able to find a group to rent part of the chapter house from us for part of the coming academic year”. 所以我們不需要交一年的違約金, 而是$5,500. 我的問題是如果兄弟會總部找到了新租戶,我們也願意解除第二年的合同, 還要求我們交settlement of $5,500.00是合理的嗎?
令人氣憤的是孩子返校後,發現他的房間已被別人占用,房間幾乎一切(被,褥,冰箱,大monitor,西服貴重的衣服等等)都不見了,隻剩幾件衣服扔在地下室的地上. 跟孩子證實收到的郵件有提到"If you are planning to reside in the facility this year, please respond to this email confirming that so we can make sure your room is not included in the space allocated to the other group moving in."但是沒有提到具體的清空日子,也沒提另外的租戶何時搬入(郵件說rent part of the chapter house from us for part of the coming academic year),不曾想是秋季. 我們不知道如何處理這樣的事情,謝謝大家的建議!