Comparative Negligence

他自己遛狗不牽繩,和你意外把狗繩落掉,同樣是疏忽。但是由於是你的狗去咬人家的狗,你的疏忽更多一些。那麽在德州的民事傷害法裏麵,去找contributory  negligence 的邏輯吧。

Texas Negligence Laws Set a 51% Bar For Comparative Negligence

While Texas is a comparative fault state, our laws add another level of complexity to the rule. We use a modified comparative fault rule that limits an at-fault driver’s ability to recover damages. Called the 51% bar, this rule says you cannot receive compensation if you were 51% or more to blame for the crash. In other words, if you are more than 50% at fault, you lose and would get nothing.

