我2021年買了一輛RV停在家門前。 Sub-HOA 說我們violate 了CC&R。 我們對CC&R有不同的理解。 HOA 先是派了一個board member 來調查。 我們按照他的建議做了improvement並把照片寄給他。他將照片轉給HOA Manager. Manager 回複email, "The pictures and resolution you made with XXX is fine. We'll save this in our records. We believe you represent the rest of the board in resolving this concern. Case closed".
Master HOA 也給我們email, " I have confirmed with Sub, that you have met all of the criteria"
但是隔了幾個月,2022年, Sub-HOA 重新提起此事,說RV不能停. 我們要求HOA 解釋為什麽要更改以前的決定? 為此舉行了三次HOA聽證會,但是一直沒有解釋為什麽要改變以前的決定。 這期間HOA 請了律師參加了其中的兩次聽證會,並寫了兩封律師信給我們,隻是重申我們違反了CC&R,不挪車到了dead line 就要罰款和Towing away, 但並沒有解釋為什麽改變以前的決定. 後來收到HOA一封Email, 說是“original words as “It’s expected that board members update on concerns among themselves. It was found out that they’re not aware of this arrangement at all.” 我們在dead line 之前已經將RV 挪走了,本以為沒事了。沒想到這個月收到了律師的一封信, 要我們再參加聽證會,並reimburse the HOA attorney‘s fee of $10,680 per the CC&R。我們去信要求HOA對該罰款給出itemization, 至今尚未收到HOA回複,隻說他們working on the redacted invoices。
請問我們應該如何應對? 謝謝!!