加州supplemental property tax問題
我有一個關於加州supplemental property tax問題,請教大家:
- 2021年底,A的房assessed value $30萬,property tax $3千/年
- 2022年1月1日,A 賣房給B, 賣價$50萬,tansaction #1
- 2022年5月1日,B賣房給C,賣價$55萬,tansaction #2. Escrow 公司按照county 網站上$3千/年tax bill closed transaction #2
- 2022年5月15日,C收到county 的supplemental tax bill($1000) (從1月1日到6月30日) for transaction #1 (房屋買賣過戶後,county要過將就半年才送出此次交易的supplemental tax bill)
現在的問題是:B和escrow 公司都認為房屋交易(transaction #2)已於5月1日完成,此後C收到的supplemental tax bill是C的責任,盡管從1月1日到4月30日B是房主。而C認為應該隻負責5月1日到6月30日那部分。
"You are only responsible for Supplemental property taxes that cover the months during which you owned the property. The previous owner should have received a separate Supplemental tax bill to pay. If the tax bill covers a period during which the property was not owned by you, then it is not your responsibility to pay. The assessee or previous owner during that time period is responsible for payment of the Unsecured Supplemental property taxes."
check this link, the last two questions: