no, your medical coverage can pay first.

本帖於 2021-11-20 21:10:02 時間, 由版主 hello2002 編輯
回答: 謝謝各位,我在田納西州raining53252021-11-20 16:15:39


but it will need to pay back once you get reimbursed.

 so if yo dont like to pay your high deductible first then this is an option,

but why not use it to fulfill the deductible? you will get paid back eventually.

 TN is at fault state, so you have the choice.



謝謝信息 -raining5325- 給 raining5325 發送悄悄話 (23 bytes) () 11/22/2021 postreply 07:35:30
