The rule is: any gift (defined as from A to B) has no tax consequences if under $15,000.
Above 15,000, it doesn't mean you have to pay gift tax.
Another rule is: Life time gift tax exemption = estate tax exemption
Federal tax law allows a person leave $11.7 million to others without estate tax. This is called estate tax exemption. You can use the exemption amount before you die or after your death. If you give someone more than $15,000 a year, You can deduct the above 15,000 amount from your estate tax exemption amount, and still don't have to pay gift tax.
He has to file form 709 for any gift above $15,000.
Any gift is deinfed as a donation from A to B. So he can give out $15,000 as much as he wants to different people. However I do not recommend him to break up his gifts in order to evade gift tax.