My friend, he got a car accident two weeks ago (someone hit his car from back) and his neck got hurt. He took a test of MRI (don’t know the exact name). The test results shows that it is “Cervical Spine “. Now he feels extremely pain almost 24 hours none stopping. No any body position could release the pain. Can someone help me for:
1. Suggestion of finding a good doctor in this field ASAP.
2. Suggestion for finding law help. It seems very serious on his situation. His insurance company is dealing with other side’s insurance company. Since it was other side’s fault, he got a medical claim id so all of his medical cost will directly charge to insurance company temporary. My question is:
a. Is there any limitation of medical cost that insurance company would pay?
b. If he lose or partially lose the working capability (looks very possible), would he get compensate? How much could be?
Please please help!!!
Help Please -- a car accident!
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05/13/2005 postreply